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Infographics & Motion Graphics are powerful tools to help communicate complex ideas in an engaging and visually appealing way. Infographics can be used to visualize data, explain processes, or visually represent an abstract concept.

Motion Graphics offers the same benefits but with the added benefit of animation. They can add life to presentations and bring concepts to life in a way that a static image cannot. Motion Graphics can also be used to create virtual tours, explainer videos, or educational content. Both Infographics and Motion Graphics can be created using various software programs such as Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, and Autodesk Maya. By utilizing the power of visual storytelling, businesses can effectively communicate their message to their target audience engagingly and creatively.

Infographics & Motion Graphics can be shared through multiple channels, such as websites, emails, social media posts, or even physical printouts. They can also be embedded into other content pieces, such as blog posts or articles, to add more engagement to the reader’s experience. Regardless of which medium is used for sharing the content, both Infographics and Motion Graphics are effective tools for visually displaying information in an interesting and informative way.

When used effectively, Infographics & Motion Graphics can be powerful marketing tools. By creating visuals that appeal to viewers, businesses can increase their brand awareness and get more people interested in what they have to offer. They can also be used to educate viewers, build trust in a brand, and encourage conversions. Both Infographics and Motion Graphics can help businesses create powerful visuals that communicate complex ideas in an engaging and visually appealing way. By using the right combination of software and design techniques, businesses can create visuals that are effective marketing tools for increasing brand awareness and engagement.

What Is Infographics?

What Is Infographics

Infographics mean a visual representation of a group of information, imagery data, statistics, charts with minimal text so that the main motive of the topic can be easy to understand. Therefore, it is a perfect medium of visual understanding & communication.

Infographic has:

  • Graphically appealing design
  • Eye-catching attributes
  • Short & compelling story presentation
  • Trustworthy relevant data-driven visualizations.

Infographics are used in presentations, newsletters, advertising, social media sites, reports, blogs, brochures, news articles, websites, etc.

What Is Motion Graphics?

Motion graphics usually created with the combination of text and animation to represent something in an easily understandable way. The process is to use visual effects to create web artwork animation. This type of design aims to animate a topic with necessary graphical motion and textual movement to illustrate the subject more easily understandable for everyone. You can say the motion graphics are animated infographics.

Scientific Reason Behind Visual Representation

Scientific Reason Behind Visual Representation

Clarity is the best feature of an informative representation. Infographics are excellent for improving people's integrate data. People's visual presentation can support them instantly gain the data they require. Here are the scientific facts of motion graphics and infographics:

  • We have 70% receptors in our eyes.
  • Imagery visualizations are processed 60,000 times faster than texts in our brain.
  • A topic's 80% of imagery information remains in our brain where texts remain just 20%.
  • Statistics show that, on average, only 28% of web content is read by visitors.
  • 65% of people's learning source is kept imagery representations like motion graphics & infographics.
  • 90% of learning dispatched to the brain is visual
  • Our brain's 50% of intelligence learning is from visual imagery representations.
  • Social media twitter's image retweeted more than 93% of the posts.

SEO Benefits of Infographics & Motion Graphics

If appropriately used, infographics can be compelling in marketing. The best part is that you will reach more viewers because the information is interesting, attractive, and experienced by more and more people, which is a powerful way of communication. Your approach can communicate to your audience. They will even remember it for some time to stimulate their attention and build your credibility and brand equity.

These are the SEO benefits of motion & infographics:

  • Motion graphics & infographics boost SEO signals by attaining new customers and holding them longer on your webpage. Therefore, it is a good factor in search engines.
  • All of the search engines love visual representations because it fulfills the users intent. That's why every search engine has its image search options.
  • They increase organic visitors and gain referral visitors from various sources.
  • The content with motion & infographics has the authoritative prestige that expands the possibilities of getting quality backlinks from many good references.
  • Using Motion & Infographics has the higher conversion possibility of selling a product or service.
  • Visual representations hold the user's attention, so the bounce rate decreases.
  • They increase the value and demand of the content.
  • You can have thousands of ideas to create motion & infographics that'll give you the market domination opportunity.
  • You can optimize and relive your existing old content by using them.

Web Integrator's Motion Graphics Animation Services

Web Integrator's Motion Graphics Animation Services

Product Videos

You can do promoting your products with motion animation. Most of the customers don't want to see your product's full specifications and features. Any product's features & unique specifications can be explained within a short time using digital motion graphics. You can also use this video to do product marketing.

Brand Videos

Brand videos are introductory videos. It'll introduce your brand's name, its activity, its focuses & the brand's products or services. An explanatory brand video develops your online exposure. A professional, explanatory brand animation helps the audiences find your brand's features, usefulness, and coverage.

Explainer Videos

The explainer video is like a training video for using your products or services. First, our motion graphics designer will understand your concept, and then he'll create an outstanding explainer video.


To describe your customers about your products or services, you can choose a storytelling motion animation service. Videos perform very well with good storytelling.

Concept Breakdown

Suppose you want to show people how constructive your products or services are. In that case, you can take our motion animation service. Here we will create a complete breakthrough of your products or services in a simple common approach.

Data Visualization

Suppose you require visualizing complex data that is hard to understand by the mass people. In that case, you can hire Web Integrator's motion graphics designer to help you out. We can elaborate your data visualization using standard animation with simple words, phrases, and sentences. It'll be easily understandable for maximum people.

Web Integrator's Infographics Design Services

We have dedicated infographic design services for small companies, blogs, educational institutes, etc. They are:


How-to infographics are used to show something step by step or creating something.

Informative Facts or List

This type of infographics is used to reduce the long-form text to a graphical listing.


This type of infographics is used for showing something's change over time. For example, it can be weather or water pollution through the years.


This type of infographics is used for comparing two or multiple things.


This sort of infographic includes various maps and charts to showcase statistics.


You can visualize judgments, methods, and other sorts of data with a flowchart.


It is similar to the timeline, but it's different because it directly presents a process of execution.

Single Chart

For visualizing the pieces of information, single-chart infographics use one diagram type as the main point.

Visualized Numbers

This type of infographics is all about presenting various figures, stats of large numbers, and icons.


This type of infographics is all about visualizing an organized chart according to some levels like time period, difficulty, raise, bottom line, etc.


Visual metaphors like objects kind, human bodies, etc., are used in the Anatomical infographics to show information.

Visual Resume

Nowadays, people like to show their skills, expertise & smartness in a creative way like infographic visual resumes.


Location infographics are in the form of a map with colorful regions and icons. It is a great way to locally, nationally & globally communicate through visualization.

Why Web Integrator?

We have over a decade of experience in the relevant industry. We are not just an infographic or motion graphic designing company. We are a full-fledged SEO & web development agency. Take a look at our other services:

You can also look at our successful projects and reviews Reviews.

Hire Web Integrator for Infographics & Motion Graphics Services

As an expert content marketing agency, we know about our stuff, and we care about your things too. Let us handle the above services for you, and you can sit back and focus on other essential matters of your business. We'll cover everything for you within the due date.

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